Saturday, March 19, 2011

New camera: IXUS 130 IS PINK

taken with my canon ixus 130 is :D

Finally, I got Canon IXUS 130 IS with pinky colour yesterday, 18 March 2011 from Daldigital. The price is cheaper than other store. Iya emang, di toko elektronik aja masih jaoh lebih mahal harganya :D So happy I can take photo with this pretty digital camera. I love the colour, little bit violet I think. But that's not a big problem, I still can feel the pinky aura. Lol! I'm so proud I can bought this digital camera by my own money. Hahaha :D But now, I must start save my money again and again.


  1. OMG you're so lucky! The last time I was trying to save some money to buy this bloody expensive lens, I failed miserably after only a week. Gah.

  2. Karen
    Hope you can get this digicam asap sis :)

  3. do take some photos and post it up =) My parents doesn't allow me to use my own money to buy expensive things, they always ask me to keep it. Don't know why

  4. Yehey for the new cam! I have to buy one too. But still not enough cash :(

  5. Amelia
    Yes I'll do, but I don't know when I'll post it up =)

    Haha save your money from now! LOL =)

  6. Wow, that's great! and it's in PINK~! my fave color~~ ^____^ I own a Canon too~ but it's so sad that it's just silver. keke ^^ I'm anticipating for your pictures to be taken by your new cam! :)) jia you~!

  7. Lhezs
    I love PINK too sis ^___^ Yes I will do and post it up soon.

  8. heyy..vanda kemaren beli ixus di daldigital plus ongkir kena berapa?
    btw...drolling bo ama skincare nya, sk ii neik..

  9. Vika
    Seingetku sih 1690 ya, lupa berapa tepatnya :D Coba digoyang aja harganya tar kalo mau order.
    SK-II? Udah berenti bentar, soalnya lagi pake HADALABO. Hehehe :D

  10. baru banget mau tanyain harga beli digicam di daldigital, eh..udah ada yg nanya duluan ternyata.
    walah, dapet 1690 udah ama ongkir?
    murce jg yah jatohnya.
    nice info :)

  11. Nacchu
    Iya dapet 1690 udah sama ongkir, mayan lah :D Sipp~


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